Special Gift Day

Special Gift Day
Special Gift DayNov 6th | Dundurn Parish Church

To members of the congregation
and to Villagers of St Fillans

Dundurn Parish Church is holding a Special Gift Day on Sunday 6th November 2022.

Over the years, the average age of the congregation has risen steadily, and since the start of the Covid pandemic, weekly numbers of attendees at the church have dropped. Whilst many have been able to donate to the works of the church through standing orders, our income has been in decline. At the same time, operational costs have been rising and during 2023 the costs of electricity are expected to rise significantly.

It is anticipated that, following the acceptance of the proposed Presbytery Plan, Dundurn Parish Church will be asked to unite with Comrie Parish Church. This would then be required to take place sometime in the next five years. The Church is a central focus within the village, and it needs help to stay as such.

We would be grateful if you could help in keeping your local church operational and any donations would be welcomed. These can be in any of the following ways:

1. By cash or cheque (payable to Dundurn Parish Church) on Sunday 6th November at the church service. Please enclose in a separate envelope or in the envelopes available before the service;

2. By cash or cheque, as above, to our Treasurer, Johnston Brown, at 1 Dundurn Walk; or

3. By direct payment to our bank account – sort code 82-61-29 account number 40108791.

Many thanks in advance for your support.

A Johnston Brown
Honorary Treasurer


Johnston Brown

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